(Click for all papers in chronological order)


Last updated: September 2020

p r o j e c t s

m e m b e r s

p a p e r s

c o n t a c t

h o m e


Response Selection
How do we plan movements of our eyes, arms or feet towards targets of interest? How do the processes of target selection and response selection interact? What is the substrate for eye-hand coordination?

Bimanual and Eye-Hand Coordination
How do we coordinate our two arms and eyes?

Spatial Signals
How is spatial information encoded, stored and transformed in the brain?

Decision Making
How do neurons make stimulus discriminations?

Task Representations
We can switch rapidly between different tasks, though a task such as task-switching carries a price. Do monkeys show comparable behavior? How are tasks represented, and how is task switching implemented?

Vestibular System
The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is an excellent model system for studying spatial representations and sensory to motor transformations.

Monkey fMRI and Polarography
Functional MRI using monkey subjects



Response Selection




Bimanual and Eye-Hand Coordination


  • Idiosyncratic and systematic features of spatial representations in the macaque PRR.
    Chang SWC, Snyder LH
    COSYNE (Salt Lake City, UT), 2010
  • Equal and opposite eye and hand gain fields for reaching in PRR.
    Chang SWC, Papadimitriou C, Snyder LH
    Society for Neuroscience (Chicago, IL), 2009


  • Local field potentials in the parietal reach region reveal mechanisms of bimanual coordination
    Mooshagian E, Holmes CD and Snyder LH
    Nature Communications 12, 1-13 (2021)
  • Primate spatial memory cells become tuned early and lose tuning at cell-specific times
    Papadimitriou C, Holmes CD and Snyder LH
    Cerebral Cortex 00, 1-14 (2021)
  • Eye-hand re-coordination: a pilot investigation of gaze and reach biofeedback in chronic stroke
    Rizzo, JR, Beheshtia M, Shafieesabeta A, Funga J, Hosseinia M, Ruckerb JC, Snyder LH and Hudsona TE
    Progress in Brain Resarch 249, 361-374 (2019)
  • Spatial eye-hand coordination during bimanual reaching is not systematically coded in either LIP or PRR
    Mooshagian E and Snyder LH
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Apr 17 115(16):E3817-E3836 (2018)
  • Single Units in the Posterior Parietal Cortex Encode Patterns of Bimanual Coordination
    Mooshagian E, Wang C, Holmes CD and Snyder LH
    Cerebral Cortex 28:1549-1567 (2018)
  • Movement order and saccade direction affect a common measure of eye-hand coordination in bimanual reaching.
    Mooshagian E, Wang C, Ferdoash A, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol, Aug 1;112(3):730-9 (2014)
  • The parietal reach region is limb specific and not involved in eye-hand coordination
    Yttri EA, Wang C, Liu Y, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol, Feb;111(3):520-32 (2014)
  • Lesions of cortical area LIP affect reach onset only when the reach is accompanied by a saccade, revealing an active eye-hand coordination circuit
    Yttri EA, Liu Y, Snyder LH
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Feb 5;110(6):2371-6 (2013)

Spatial Signals



  • Dissociation of LFP Power and Tuning in the Frontal Cortex during Memory
    Holmes CD, Papadimitriou C, Snyder LH
    J Neurosci, Sept 19;38(38):8177-8186 (2018)
  • Ghosts in the machine II: Neural Correlates of Memory Interference from the Previous Trial
    Papadimitriou C, White III RL, Snyder LH
    Cerebral Cortex, 27:2513-2527 (2017)
  • Ghosts in the machine: memory interference from the previous trial
    Papadimitriou C, Ferdoash A, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol, Jan 15;113(2):567-77 (2015)
  • Spatial and non-spatial functions of the parietal cortex
    Gottlieb J, Snyder LH
    Curr Opin Neurobiol, Dec;20(6):731-40 (2010)
  • An anti-Hick's effect in monkey and human saccade reaction times.
    Lawrence BM, St.John A, Abrams RA, Snyder LH
    Journal of Vision , 8(3):26,1-7 (2008)
  • Subthreshold Microstimulation in the Frontal Eye Fields Updates Spatial Memories
    White RL, Snyder LH
    Exp Br Res 181:477–492 (2007)
  • Spatial constancy and the brain: insights from neural networks.
    White RL, Snyder LH
    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci , 362:375-82 (2007)
  • Delay-period activity in visual, visuomovement, and movement neurons in the frontal eye field.
    Lawrence BM, White RL, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol. 94, 1498-508 (2005)
  • A Neural Network Model of Flexible Spatial Updating
    White RL, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol 91, 1608-1619 (2004)
  • Effects of training on memory-guided saccade performance
    Visscher K, Viets E, Snyder LH
    Vision Research 43, 2061-2071 (2003)
  • Spatial Memory Following Shifts of Gaze. I. saccades to Memorized World-Fixed and Gaze-Fixed Targets
    Baker JT, Harper TM, Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol 89, 2564-2576 (2003)
  • Accuracy of Saccades to Remembered Targets as a Function of Body Orientation in Space
    Vogelstein JT, Snyder LH, Angelaki DE
    J Neurophysiol 90, 521-524 (2003)
  • Separate body-and-world-referenced representations of visual space in parietal cortex
    Snyder LH, Grieve KL, Brotchie P and Andersen RA
    Nature 394, 887-891 (1998)
  • Head position signals used by parietal neurons to encode locations of visual stimuli
    Brotchie PR, Andersen RA, Snyder LH and Goodman SJ
    Nature375, 232-235 (1995)
  • Coordinate transformations in the representation of spatial information
    Andersen RA, Snyder LH, Li C and Stricanne B
    Current Opinion in Neurobiology 3, 171-176 (1993)



Decision Making





  • Matching Behavior as a Tradeoff Between Reward Maximization and Demands on Neural Computation
    Kubanek J and Snyder LH
    F1000 Research, Jun 9;4:147 (2015)
  • Functional evolution of new and expanded attention networks in humans
    Patel GH, Yang D, Jamerson EC, Snyder LH, Corbetta M, and Ferrera VP
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Jul 28;112(30):9454-9459 (2015)
  • Cognitive and Action-Based Aspects of Developing Decisions in Parietal Cortex
    Kubanek J and Mooshagian E
    J Neurosci, Jun 3; 35(22):8382-8383 (2015)
  • Reward and punishment act as distinct factors in guiding behavior
    Kubanek J, Snyder LH, Abrams RA
    Cognition, 139:154-167 (2015)
  • Cortical alpha activity predicts the confidence in an impending action
    Kubanek J, Hill NJ, Snyder LH, Schalk G
    Frontiers in Neurosci, Jul 28 9:243 (2015)
  • A low-frequency oscillatory neural signal in humans encodes a developing decision variable
    Kubanek J, Snyder LH, Brunton BW, Brody CD, Schalk G
    Neuroimage, Jul 18;83C:795-808 (2013)
  • Neural correlates of prior expectations of motion in the lateral intraparietal and middle temporal areas
    Rao V, DeAngelis GC, Snyder LH
    J Neurosci, Jul 18;32(29):10063-74 (2012)
  • The road least taken
    Rao V, Snyder LH, DeAngelis GC
    Nature Neuroscience 6, 623-4 (2008)

Task Representations



  • The role of executive control in tool use
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Behav Brain Sci, Aug;35(4):240-1 (2012)
  • Neural correlates of executive control functions in the monkey
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Trends Cogn Sci. 13:228-34 (2009)
  • Modification of response time variability in a decision-making task
    Stoet G, Ruge H, Snyder LH
    Neuroreport, 27;19(13):1321-4 (2008)
  • Task switching in human and non-human primates: Understanding rule encoding and control from behavior to single neurons
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior, Oxford University Press:227-254
  • Extensive practice does not eliminate human switch costs
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7(3): 192-197 (2007).
  • Correlates of stimulus-response congruence in posterior parietal cortex (PPC)
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19: 194-203 (2007).
  • Effects of the NMDA Antagonist Ketamine on Task-Switching Performance:Evidence for Specific Impairments of Executive Control.
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Neuropsychopharmacology Aug;31 (8): 1675-81 (2006)
  • Single neurons in posterior parietal cortex of monkeys encode cognitive set
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Neuron 42:1003-1012 (2004)
  • Task preparation in macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Animal Cognition 6:121-130 (2003)
  • Executive control and task-switching in monkeys
    Stoet G, Snyder LH
    Neuropsychologia 41/10, 1357-1364 (2003)


Vestibular System



  • A vestibular sensation: probabilistic approaches to spatial perception
    Angelaki DE, Klier EM, Snyder LH
    Neuron. 64, 448-61 (2009).
  • The contributions of vestibular signals to the representations of space in the posterior parietal cortex
    Andersen RA, Shenoy KV, Snyder LH, Bradley DC, Crowell JA
    Ann N Y Acad Sci. 871, 282-292 (1999)

  • This way up: illusions and internal models in the vestibular system
    Snyder LH
    Nature Neuroscience 2, 396-398 (1999)
  • Behavior and Physiology of the Macaque Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex Response to Sudden Off-Axis Rotation: Computing Eye Translation
    Snyder, LH, King, WM
    Brain Research Bulletin 40, 293-301(1996)
  • Brotchie PR, Andersen RA, Snyder LH, Goodman SJ.
    Head position signals used by parietal neurons to encode locations of visual stimuli.
    Nature. 375, 232-5 (1995)
  • Effect of Viewing Distance and Location of the Axis of Head Rotation on the Monkeys Vestibuloocular Reflex. I. Eye Movement Responses.
    Snyder LH, King WM
    Journal of Neurophysiology 67, 861-874 (1992)
  • Changes in Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) Anticipate Changes in Vergence Angle in Monkey
    Snyder LH, Lawrence DM, King WM
    Vision Research 32, 569-575 (1991)
  • Vertical Vestibuloocular Reflex in Cat: Asymmetry and Adaption
    Snyder LH, King WM
    Journal of Neurophysiology 59, 279-298 (1988)

Monkey MRI and Polargraphic Oxygen



  • Functional connectivity arises from a slow rhythmic mechanism
    Li JM, Bentley WJ, Snyder AZ, Raichle ME, Snyder LH
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, May 12; 112(19):E2527-E2535 (2015)
  • Oxygen Level and LFP in Task-Positive and Task-Negative Areas: Bridging BOLD fMRI and Electrophysiology
    Bentley WJ, Li JM, Snyder AZ, Raichle ME, Snyder LH
    Cereb Cortex, Nov 10; Epub (2014)
  • Topographic organization in the brain: searching for general principles
    Patel GH, Kaplan DM, Snyder LH
    Trends Cogn Sci, Jul;18(7):351-63 (2014)
  • Topographic organization of macaque area LIP
    Patel GH, Shulman GL, Baker JT, Akbudak E, Snyder AZ, Snyder LH, Corbetta M
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Mar 9;107(10):4728-33 (2010)
  • Intrinsic functional architecture in the anaesthetized monkey brain
    Vincent et al.
    Nature 447(7140):83-6 (2007)
  • Distribution of Activity Across the Monkey Cerebral Cortical Surface, Thalamus and Midbrain during Rapid, Visually Guided Saccades.
    Baker JT, Patel GH, Corbetta M, Snyder LH.
    Cereb Cortex 16, 447-59 (2006)





  • Spontaneous Infra-slow Brain Activity Has Unique Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Laminar Structure
    Mitra A, Kraft A, Wright P, Acland B, Snyder AZ, Rosenthal Z, Czerniewski L, Bauer A, Snyder LH, Culver J, Lee JM and Raichle ME
    Neuron, Apr 18;98(2):297-305 (2018)
  • Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon
    Churchland MM, Yu BM, Cunningham JP, Sugrue LP, Cohen MR, Corrado GS, Newsome WT, Clark AM, Hosseini P, Scott BB, Bradley DC, Smith MA, Kohn A, Movshon JA, Armstrong KM, Moore T, Chang SW, Snyder LH, Ryu SI, Santhanam G, Sahani M, Shenoy KV
    Nature Neuroscience, (13):369-378 (2010)
  • Movement intention is better predicted than attention in the posterior parietal cortex.
    Quiroga RQ, Snyder LH, Batista AP, Cui H, Andersen RA
    J Neuroscience. 26, 3615-3620 (2006)
  • Frame-up. Focus on "eye-centered, head-centered, and complex coding of visual and auditory targets in the intraparietal sulcus".
    Snyder LH
    J Neurophysiol. 94, 2259-60
  • Don't go there.
    Snyder LH, Lawrence BM
    Neuron. 43, 297-9 (ƒ2004)
  • Moving forward by looking away
    Snyder LH
    Nature 408, 921-923 (2000)
  • The Use of a Thermoplastic Cap to Protect Against Self-induced Trauma in a Nonhuman Primate
    Musch KL, Snyder LH
    Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 37, 75-76 (1998)