Lab Members

p r o j e c t s

m e m b e r s

p a p e r s

c o n t a c t

h o m e


Larry Snyder, MD/PhD


Research Assistant & General Lab Manager

Jonathon Tucker

Research Assistant

Kevin Duckworth


Postdoctoral fellow


Eric Mooshagian, PhD



Graduate students


Jung Uk Kang

Charles Holmes

Ben Acland


Visiting Scientists

Mary Bladwin



Lab alumni

Alexander Brenner

Michael Shteyn

Charalampos (Harry) Papadimitriou

Jingfeng Li

Will Bentley

Jan Kubánek (Graduate Student 2013; Post-doctoral fellow, Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine; Currently Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah)

David Michael Kaplan, PhD (Post-doctoral fellow; Currently Deputy Head, Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia)

Eric Yttri (Graduate Student 2011; Post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Joshua Dudman, Janelia Farm, Virginia; Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University)

Cunguo Wang, PhD (Post-doctoral Fellow; now in a Teaching position in China)

Matthew Denny (Research Assistant; Doctor of Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans; Resident at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco; Fellowship in Cornea and External Disease, Cincinnati Eye Institute; Private Ophthalmology Practice, San Francisco )

Vinod Rao (Graduate Student; now a Resident in Psychiatry at Maclean (Harvard/MGH)

"Steve" Wohn Chul Chang, PhD (Graduate Student; now an Assistant Professor of Psychology, Yale University)


Yuqing (Yuti) Liu, MD/PhD (MD, China; PhD, Wash U Med School 2009; now an emerging novelist, who completed her debut novel: Sky Pass)

Trevor Shew

Marcel Fremont (-2008) - We will miss you always. You continue to inspire us to be more open-minded, accepting and caring.

Tom Malone

Jason Vytlacil (Research assistant; now a PhD student at Univ. California, Berkeley)

Gaurav Patel Gaurav Patel, MD/PhD (Graduate Student (MSTP) 2008; now a Resident at Columbia University)

Jim Harper (MD student)

Justin Baker, MD/PhD (PhD thesis 2005; now an Instructor in Psychiatry at McLean Hospital with Drs. Randy Buckner and Dost Ongur)

Rob White, MD/PhD (PhD thesis 2005; now with Mark D'Esposito as a Neurologist and Post-doctoral Fellow)

Gijsbert Stoet, PhD (Postdoctoral fellow; now a Lecturer at Leeds University, Leeds)

Bonnie Lawrence, PhD (postdoctoral fellow, now Research Faculty at New York University)

Tony Dickinson, PhD (postdoctoral fellow; now Research Faculty at Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghair, China)

Jeff Calton, PhD (Lostdoctoral fellow; now Professor in Psychology at Sacremento State, California )

Timothy Harper (research technician from 1998-2001)

Sarah Woodridge

Brie Terrel

Emelia Proctor

Dave Borton (undergraduate researcher, now a PhD student at Brown University)

Alex St.John (undergraduate researcher, now a medical student at University of Arizona)

Matt Reiter

Liz Viets

John Kuelper