Jonathon Tucker
Kevin Duckworth
Eric Mooshagian, PhD
Jung Uk Kang
Ben Acland
Mary Bladwin
Alexander Brenner
Michael Shteyn
Charalampos (Harry) Papadimitriou
Jingfeng Li
Will Bentley
Jan Kubánek (Graduate Student 2013; Post-doctoral fellow, Neuroscience, Stanford University School of Medicine; Currently Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University of Utah)
David Michael Kaplan, PhD (Post-doctoral fellow; Currently Deputy Head, Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, Sidney, Australia)
Yttri (Graduate Student 2011; Post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Joshua Dudman, Janelia Farm, Virginia; Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University)
Wang, PhD (Post-doctoral Fellow; now in a Teaching position in China)
Matthew Denny (Research Assistant; Doctor of Medicine, Tulane University, New Orleans; Resident at California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco; Fellowship in Cornea and External Disease, Cincinnati Eye Institute; Private Ophthalmology Practice, San Francisco )
Vinod Rao (Graduate Student; now a Resident in Psychiatry at Maclean (Harvard/MGH)
Wohn Chul Chang, PhD
(Graduate Student; now an Assistant Professor of Psychology, Yale University)
Yuqing (Yuti)
Liu, MD/PhD
(MD, China; PhD, Wash U Med School 2009; now an emerging novelist, who
completed her debut novel: Sky Pass)
Fremont (-2008) - We will miss you always. You continue to inspire us to be more open-minded, accepting and caring.
Jason Vytlacil (Research assistant; now a PhD student at Univ. California, Berkeley)
Gaurav Patel, MD/PhD (Graduate Student (MSTP) 2008; now a Resident at Columbia University)
Jim Harper (MD student)
Baker, MD/PhD (PhD thesis 2005; now an Instructor in Psychiatry at McLean Hospital with Drs. Randy Buckner and Dost Ongur)
White, MD/PhD (PhD thesis 2005; now with Mark D'Esposito as a Neurologist and Post-doctoral Fellow)
Stoet, PhD (Postdoctoral fellow; now a Lecturer at Leeds University, Leeds)
Lawrence, PhD (postdoctoral fellow, now Research Faculty at New York University)
Dickinson, PhD (postdoctoral fellow; now Research Faculty at Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghair, China)
Jeff Calton, PhD (Lostdoctoral fellow; now Professor in Psychology at Sacremento State, California )
Harper (research technician from 1998-2001)
Sarah Woodridge
Brie Terrel
Emelia Proctor
Dave Borton (undergraduate researcher, now a PhD student at Brown University)
Alex St.John (undergraduate researcher, now a medical student at University of Arizona)
Matt Reiter
Liz Viets
John Kuelper