Yuqing (Yuti) Liu





Washington University in St. Louis, Ph.D., May 2009




Nature Neuroscience publication (journal ranked number one in subject specific field) (see "Science Publications" for more details).

Developed muscimol + manganese-MRI technique to visualize reversible inactivation sites and used it to examine the causal roles of macaque LIPd, LIPv, and PRR in oculomotor, reaching, and attentional processing.

Ph.D. Thesis Advisor: Dr. Lawrence H. Snyder, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Neurobiology, Washington University

4.0 GPA

Gordon Research Conference Travel Award


Nankai University (Tianjin, China), M.D., June 2001 (7-year program: B.S. medical science + M.S./M.D.)




First in Class

Brilliance Foundation Scholarship (1999) (awarded to the number one student in the class)

Nankai University Scholarship (1997-98) (awarded to the number one student in the class)

Medical Scientist Training Scholarship (1994-95) (awarded to the number one student in the class)

Master's Thesis: "The Relationship Between Nitric Oxide, Nitric Oxide Synthase, Excitatory Amino Acids and Cerebral Hemodynamic Phases Following Traumatic Brain Injury."

Master's Thesis Advisor: Dr. Mu Li, M.D., Ph.D. / Department of Neurosurgery / Tianjin First Central Hospital


creative writing


Adventus Astraeae, the Sky Pass (literary novel) (2021)




Liu Y, Yttri EA, and Snyder LH. "Intention and Attention: Different Functional Roles for LIPd and LIPv" (Nature Neuroscience, 13 (4): 495-500, 2010) (journal ranked number one in subject specific field)


Yttri EA, Liu Y, and Snyder LH. "Lesions of Cortical Area LIP Affect Reach Onset Only When the Reach is Accompanied by a Saccade, Revealing an Active Eye-Hand Coordination Circuit."

(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(6): 2371-6, 2013) (official journal of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences)


Yttri EA, Wang C, Liu Y, and Snyder LH.  "The Parietal Reach Region is Limb Specific and not Involved in Eye-Hand Coordination." (Journal of Neurophysiology. 113(3): 520-32, 2014)




Liu Y, Yttri EA, and Snyder LH.  "Reversible Inactivation Reveals that LIPv Subserves General Attention while LIPd Subserves Saccadic Intention." Society for Neuroscience (Washington, DC), 2008.


Liu Y and Snyder LH.  "Effect of Reversible Inactivation of Macaque Lateral Intraparietal Area on Saccades and Search."  Gordon Research Conferences, Oculomotor System Biology Abstract (Lewiston, ME), 2007